Grace The World With Your Glow of Happiness

Do not chase happiness, search within you.

There are many things inside of you, which have reasons to make you happy. Your pursuit or search for happiness outside does not take you anywhere; as what seemingly has a stock of happiness, once you reach or achieve it you realize that happiness lied further ahead somewhere, and your hunt for happiness takes a new turn, and this goes on and on only to make you understand that you are back in square one.

Devoid of happiness, your original search Happiness, thus, cannot be anywhere else but within you.

Do not be on a stealthy stalk for happiness simply because others do so, search within and discover the happiness in you.

Do not be on a race for happiness, but grace the world with the glow of Happiness within you.

Poem by:
Bashyam Narayanan

The Past is Behind You

The Past is Behind You, remember that!

When we walk, we walk forward!

Realize that what happened in the past, it doesn’t dictate what your future is. What happened in your past is a learning lesson for you, a lesson that you had to learn.

Learning is the key!

Affirmation: Every Failure Is A Learning Experience

Every failure is learning experience.

We’ve all failed many times and on many different occasions. Successful people not only embrace the failure but incorporate it into their learning process. It’s important to remind yourself regularly that failure isn’t a bad thing, which is why we keep some great quotations about failing posted on our office walls.

Fast Ways To Change Your Life Now

Most of us dislike failure. We dislike enough that we try to avoid it and keep repeating our behaviors.

Life is ever changing. That’s what’s what makes the living fun. Yes, we hit valleys. Sometimes the scars we pick up take  a  long time to heal. Those scars are experience. They make us who we are .  Success is living through them.


Just As The Season’s Change…

Just as the seasons change, so do the people that you come into contact with on your journey. Sometimes I wonder if the people I crossed paths with were supposed to stay longer, but I know now,
they weren’t supposed to.

Just as time comes and goes, we are
becoming separated, and can barely get back to where we used to be.

That’s when I realized they were only with me for a season. I can look back, and know I’ve taken from that Season what I was supposed to.

I Am Driven!!

I keep moving forward, because I know there is more out there for me!!

Recently, I was told that I don’t seem to be satisfied with my current situation. My response is that I am driven! There is something inside of me, that knows that there is more out there for me. I can do better!

It’s not saying I am not easy to satisfy, just that I have a desire to keep moving forward.

Does my desire to keep moving forward mean that I am unhappy? No, my mind is not at rest, it’s uneasy, because I can see a bigger picture for this journey I am on.

I love this positive blog post from Valorie Burton & I do believe SUCCESS IS RIGHT UNDER MY NOSE. 🙂

Speak your goals into existence. One of the most common reasons many people never reach their goals is that they don’t really believe they can. Not only do they not believe it, but they speak negatively about their chances for success. Sometimes you have to speak your way into believing all that is possible for you. Speak positively about your vision for your life. “I will accomplish my goal by doing XYZ …”. Even if you hear your doubts swirling around in your head (“You can’t do that!” “Who do you think you are?!”), refuse to verbalize them. Eventually your thoughts will catch up with your words!!

Excerpt from Valorie Burton

Minute Meditation: Prayer To Ease Worries

Struggling with repeated worries can be a real challenge. The following prayer invites God to calm and guide those who struggle with anxiety. Worry is a continuous pattern of ineffective thought. Worrying is unresolved thought that leaves you unproductive.

“God of power, calm my mind. Let me rest in You. Ease my anxiety,

and let me simply be- quiet and peaceful in your arms. Amen.”

Your worry prevents you from acting, because when you are worrying, you miss the opportunities that you would see if you were not so focused on your fear. If you ever watched a dog chasing it’s tail, then you can understand how worrying is an endless cycle. Worrying will not bring you a single token of resolve, it’s fruitless, worrying takes you out.


Affirmation: I Am Supposed To Be Right Here, Right Now

I Am Supposed To Be Right Here, Right Now.

Stop rushing your time.

Have you ever noticed how hurried life is these days? When was the last time you enjoyed the   grass between your toes and thought about just how fortunate you are to be able to even be outdoors to experience these simple things?

Have you actually looked at the flowers around you?

Yes, we are all busy. Yes, there is lots to be done, but it’s important to enjoy life.

Enjoy the moment.

Today focus on:

 I Am Supposed To Be Right Here, Right Now

