Your Season

Sometimes we don’t realize that we go through Seasons. That certain things happen at particular times as a part of the process.

Wikipedia defines Seasons – A Season is the division of the year, marked by changes in weather, ecology and hours of daylight.

What can you say about your current Season? Has it been a good Season for you, A Season of surprise? An Overwhelming Season?




Life is a lot of work.

What is it that gives us the strength to continue when we are tired and burned out? Sometimes an inspirational idea can help us renew ourselves, and be filled with strength to fulfill our life’s purpose.

Inspiration comes in many forms. However, the root of all inspiration – is the idea that our lives are meaningful. Inspiration is knowing that what I do matters deeply to the universe. When you have the feeling that your actions are meaningful, you will become filled with strength and vigor to fulfill your life’s purpose.

Lost & Found

Although you aren’t on the designed path, you aren’t lost. You just took a wrong turn some where. Luckily God is always with us, but He won’t help you to get back on the right path, if you don’t seek him for Guidance. We may not see Him, but just know He is always there, always around. He is just waiting for you.

When you do acknowledge that you need Him and call out for help, he will come and get you and lead you back to the path that He designed for you.

The Mind Wonders

I often wonder about people that pass away… When they open their eyes and see God, do they ask why am I here already?

Does He explain to them that it was just time for them to come home? Does He say well done?

My mind often wonders about the really great people that I run across. I always assume & believe that they were Angels, sent here to show me something for a certain time frame. Then they are called home, because their job is done, their mission is complete.

From Bad to Worse and then the Sun Shined!

Anyone ever notice how things go from bad to worse?

That nick in your windshield has been there for a while, because you avoided or couldn’t get it fixed. On your worse day when all are going downhill, you notice the nick is now starting to spread, and you wonder and start to say out loud -“Lord, Why Me”

That’s when you know your break thru is coming!! Just hold!!

Time Heals

We all have a part of us that would like to fix everything and make it better–But we can’t, we are not supposed to.

Time heals visible wounds, but what about the wounds that are invisible. Forgiveness is an important key in that process. Please understand that when you forgive someone you are need to follow thru and forgive. You can’t get out the door if you don’t step out. You can’t move if you don’t lift your feet.

Forgiveness is sometimes the hardest thing to say & do, but it needs to be done in order to move forward!!

Great Place To Be

Allow what happens to happen, to happen. Allow what is right, to be, and to expand.

Don’t fight against your own authentic nature. Embrace the unique beauty of the gifts you have to give.

Live with joy and positive purpose in the moment, whatever it may bring. Do what you know is right, what you know is best, and what you know is true.

Life is more magnificent than you can ever imagine. Go ahead and imagine anyway, from the perspective of what you love and value the most, and bring what you imagine to life.

Look at every little morsel of existence with profound gratitude and ecstatic appreciation. Commit yourself, again and again, to living a life worthy of all the abundance that’s available to you.

With each dawning day, dive gleefully into that abundance, eager to create new value and meaning as you journey through it all. Remember that where you are is a great place to be, so give the greatness a faithful life from which to brightly shine. ~ Ralph Marston


2013 Final Post

Do you ever take time to look back at where you were? What you were doing? How you changed? How far you’ve come?

Does it make you smile? Are you pleased with your now compared to your then?

Looking back at my 2013, I am pleased with what happened, most things were learning lessons for me. Some things had to happen and I am ok with that.

As the year comes to an end you always think about what happened in the year. Most make resolutions to do things differently than what they did the previous year.

Last year I stated that I am finished with making resolutions,  I make Affirmations! I don’t want to waste time making promises of what I am going to change, I am just going to do it. I am going to be strong & in agreement in where God is moving me to GROW!!

Looking forward to GROWING in 2014!!

Joyfully Forward

Do not be discouraged that the journey ahead of you is long and difficult. Your discouragement would only make it more so. Instead, rejoice in the fact that you’re moving steadily ahead. Enjoy the satisfaction of truly making a difference, of taking one step after another, and of moving closer each day toward the ultimate goal.

It can seem overwhelming at times when you have so much to get done. Yet feeling overwhelmed will not get anything accomplished. So the next time you feel overwhelmed, simply replace it in your mind with a feeling of being overjoyed — overjoyed at the opportunity to make a difference.

Your time is precious — too precious to spend worrying that you might have wasted it. What’s happened has happened. You are where you are. Delight in that fact and make the very best of each moment. If you’re tempted to be discouraged, keep in mind that every reason for that discouragement is in the past. Let it fade gently away as you find joy in moving positively forward.

— Ralph Marston