This Journey

For as long as I have been journaling & blogging, I have called my life a Journey. I haven’t defined it as a bad journey, but just as a Journey. We actually never know what our journey will hold for us, we can make plans, mark down dates to get things done, but our Journey is never fully our own. We will have visitors that join us on our journey, but ultimately we have to figure out what the visitors mean for us and our journey.


Who Am I Becoming?

Do you ever take time to look back at where you were, and wonder Who Am I Becoming? What has become of me? Where am I going?

There was a vision, intention & plan to your purpose when you were born. Some may still be figuring out just what their plan is on this earth. My advice is pay attention when people talk to you. Sometimes there are angels among us, that inspire, guide and help you along the journey.

You may not be where you want to be but, Thank God you are not where you were.

Growth & change are a big part of becoming who we are destined to be. Don’t be afraid of the changes. He is stretching us. Just like seeds need sunlight & water to grown, that is what we get when God places certain people on our path.

The Lord said be you for me, don’t try to be someone you are not.

Your Season

Sometimes we don’t realize that we go through Seasons. That certain things happen at particular times as a part of the process.

Wikipedia defines Seasons – A Season is the division of the year, marked by changes in weather, ecology and hours of daylight.

What can you say about your current Season? Has it been a good Season for you, A Season of surprise? An Overwhelming Season?




Recently a friend said, “Do you notice how spiritual people are now-a-days”? My response was simple, YES. I think, as we get older we become wiser, and realize that the church that we were made to go to when we were younger, may have been a pain or a bore. But our parents did this because of one reason, they wanted us to know the one above.  

So yes, as I get older I definitely have become more spiritual and wiser, because I know that without God, nothing is possible, but with him All Things Are Possible!!

Golden Life

Many people are living their lives for someone else, or trying to be something that they are not.  Why not live your life-like it’s meant to be lived– Golden!!

Some people walk around mad and upset about everything & everyone, Why???  Just think about these things…1st you have LIFE, 2nd you get the opportunity to walk and talk, 3rd you have a place to call home, 4th if you are employed, then you can be grateful for that, 5th if you drive, then you have a way to get around.  You have many things to look forward to when you open your eyes. There are a lot of reasons to be unhappy about things, but it’s probably better for you to just be happy about the simple things.

No day is promised to us, so learn to appreciate the simple things and let go of the things you can’t change.


Life is a lot of work.

What is it that gives us the strength to continue when we are tired and burned out? Sometimes an inspirational idea can help us renew ourselves, and be filled with strength to fulfill our life’s purpose.

Inspiration comes in many forms. However, the root of all inspiration – is the idea that our lives are meaningful. Inspiration is knowing that what I do matters deeply to the universe. When you have the feeling that your actions are meaningful, you will become filled with strength and vigor to fulfill your life’s purpose.

Lost & Found

Although you aren’t on the designed path, you aren’t lost. You just took a wrong turn some where. Luckily God is always with us, but He won’t help you to get back on the right path, if you don’t seek him for Guidance. We may not see Him, but just know He is always there, always around. He is just waiting for you.

When you do acknowledge that you need Him and call out for help, he will come and get you and lead you back to the path that He designed for you.