Success Feeds Success

Successfully solving one problem puts you in great position to tackle the next problem that comes your way. Meeting a difficult challenge gives you the courage to take on even greater challenges.

Success in one area of your life can be built upon to positively affect all areas of your life. That’s why even the little, seemingly insignificant successes truly matter.

Achievement brings to you a type of satisfaction and energy that nothing else can provide. And it is an energy that can be leveraged into further achievement, and then into even more, in a splendid upward spiral.

When the big achievements seem to elude you, it’s probably because you’re ignoring the countless opportunities for small achievements. Not only do those small achievements add up, they multiply exponentially.

The rich become richer not because of what they have, but because of the direction in which their momentum is flowing. Even the smallest achievement will get your momentum flowing in that same productive direction.

Make something good happen. And there’s no end to where it can take you.~ Ralph Marston

Keep Working

When you doubt yourself and your efforts, keep working. Your creative energy, persistently applied, will soon make the doubt go away.

When you’re simply not making any progress, keep working. The breakthrough you seek may be just one more effort away.

When you’ve enjoyed a great success, keep working. Instead of resting on your achievements, make them even more meaningful by making good use of them.

When it feels like all your energy is drained, keep working. Your determined efforts will create their own energy.

When you’re not sure what to do, keep working. The more you do, the more you learn, and the more clearly you’ll be able to see the way forward.

Life works best when you keep working at it. Keep working, and keep making life truly amazing.

— Ralph Marston

Keep the goal in sight

When the goal is in sight, you’re much more highly motivated to work toward it. So no matter how far away the goal is, keep it in sight and keep moving enthusiastically toward it.

When you can see that you’re making progress, you are naturally encouraged to make more progress. So as you move forward, remind yourself how far you’ve come, and keep on going.

Nothing can take the place of a clear and meaningful purpose. So give yourself the energy to achieve by knowing exactly where you wish to go and why you want to get there.

Feel the achievement and the rewards that come with it as you work steadily toward it. Keep your vision focused on the goal as you move ever closer to that goal.

Effort becomes effortless and energy becomes far more abundant when you see the objective getting closer and closer. Make use of the power of your dream to make that dream come true.

Get the goal in sight and keep it there as you enjoy your own effective effort to move forward. Keep the goal in sight, no matter what, and achievement is yours. ~ Ralph Marston